Featured Products
VIVIO® Junior Cough Syrup
A 100% natural and preservative free cough syrup, specifically formulated for Children 1 year+ for both dry and congested cough.
Bio-Kult® Everyday 60 Capsules
Making life more digestible with our advanced 14 strain live bacteria formulation
Bio-Kult® Migréa
Scientifically developed to target your head, as well as your digestive tract – Helping goodness go to your head.
Bio-Kult® Candéa
An advanced multi-action formulation to target the gut and intimate flora – Helping you find your natural balance
VIVIO® Junior Multivitamin Tonic (previously Vivioptal® Junior)
A delicious tasting multivitamin tonic suitable from 1 year+ and packed with 12 Vitamins, Zinc and Iodine to support immunity and cognitive function
Available nationwide in Pharmacies & Healthfood Stores
VIVIO® Junior Tummies Bifibaby Drops
Look after their digestive and immune* system with VIVIO® Junior Tummies Bifibaby Drops. A multi-strain, live bacteria supplement with Vitamin D3 suitable for newborns to 12 years.
FUSION™ Allergy Cooling Mask
Reusable cooling mask to relieve allergic symptoms such as itchy, red, watery eyes and puffy or inflamed eyes.
FUSION™ Allergy Nasal Spray
Preservative free nasal spray for the treatment and prevention of allergic rhinitis symptoms like running nose, itching nose, and nasal congestion.